Connect-Kids-to-Parks Field Trip Grant Program
New York
Policy Type Legend
What do these icons mean?
Climate Education
Grant Fund
Community Process
Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor Learning in Schools
Early Childhood Education
Each grant provides reimbursement of up to $40 per student (and $80 for Special Education students) for field trips to state and federal parks, forests, historic sites, fish hatcheries and other outdoor recreation areas, up to $1000 total. Schools receiving Title 1 funding, as well as a range of after school or municipal programs serving low-income youth, are eligible for grants. Grants are available for transportation to more than 250 state parks, historic sites, nature centers and outdoor facilities, Department of Environmental Conservation fish hatcheries, as well as 8 other approved locations, including New York Audubon sites, museums, private parks, and others.
The Connect Kids Field Trip Grant is a reimbursement grant program. Reimbursable field trip expenses include transportation, program fees, entry fees, and/or pavilion fees. Funding for the field trip grant program comes from the state Environmental Protection Fund's enhanced environmental justice program approved in the 2019-20 state budget. While initially funded at $500,000 per year, funding was doubled in 2018.
Policy Details
Year Submitted
Bill Status
Most Recent Yearly Funding
$1 million
Total Program
$3 million
Continuing or One-time Funding
Funding Source
State Environmental Protection Fund
Path to Enactment
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Bill Number